
We Are Now Officially Open! Your New Favorite Coffee Spot…

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You know that cozy feeling when you walk into a place and just know you’re going to love it? That’s the vibe we’re channeling here at Clapham Specialty Coffee, right in the heart of Amsterdam. It’s like that favorite nook in Clapham, London, where everyone just gets you.

So, pull up a chair, let us pour you a cup, and I’ll spill the beans on how this all started.

You know that cozy feeling when you walk into a place and just know you’re going to love it? That’s the vibe we’re channeling here at Clapham Specialty Coffee, right in the heart of Amsterdam. It’s like that favorite nook in Clapham, London, where everyone just gets you.

So, pull up a chair, let us pour you a cup, and I’ll spill the beans on how this all started.

Imagine this: a vibrant spot in South West London, a little neighborhood called Clapham. It’s got that village feel where everyone’s on a first-name basis, the dogs are as friendly as their owners, and the local barista doesn’t just serve you coffee, they serve up a good morning too. We set up our first ever coffee bar with its name because it’s our happy place.

Bringing that Clapham charm to Amsterdam? That was the dream. And here we are, brewing more than just coffee – we’re brewing connections. We serve every cup with a side of “how’s your day going?” and a genuine smile.

Our walls aren’t just walls; they’re showcases for Amsterdam’s artists. And, let’s not forget the pastries. Sourced from the best local bakeries, these goodies don’t just satisfy your sweet tooth, they’re conversation starters. Every day, we’re here, making sure that when you step into Clapham Specialty Coffee, you’re stepping into a community. A place where the coffee is rich, the art is inspiring, and the company is top-notch.

That’s us – Clapham Specialty Coffee. It’s a place where conversations flow as freely as the coffee, where the art is as rich as the espresso, and where everyone indeed knows your name.